General Educational Information /////////////////////////////// Student Financial Aid page If you thought getting financial aid was hard - try typing in this URL! Loads of info on Student Aid and related programs and funding. A very worth while stop for any student or parent of student. Includes info on special grants and minority funding and links to various financial aid offices. Very informative resource. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web Site for Educators, Students, Scientists & Engineers gopher:// FTP to: (contains the file archives only) You can also send email to: to perform a catalog search of the files in the archive. The new Internet site includes a searchable database of more than 20,000 education, reference, scholarly, scientific, technical and business products, as well as discipline-specific Resource Centers, electronic discussion and newsletter lists, and on-line supplements to products. The number of products will continually increase to an estimated 50,000 within the next twelve months. Users have intuitive and powerful search capabilities that give them immediate access to a wealth of information and resources across a wide variety of academic, scientific, technical, reference and business disciplines. On-line order forms enable users to immediately place orders for ITP texts, journals and electronic products (video, software and CD-ROM). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Science Education Home Page Macro Press is a company of active mentor teachers who got tired of waiting for an integrated curriculum science program that would work in their classrooms within available budget and resources. They ended up writing their own materials and paid to publish them (K-6). Their students are now winning national awards because the students are learning hands on practical science and sharing that knowledge through the World Wide Web! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Houghton Mifflin WWW Page Houghton Mifflin's new Web site offers something for everyone; an education center for elementary and secondary educators; resources and services for college faculty; and an online bookstore for booklovers, bookstore owners and Internet explorers of all types. Houghton Mifflin is a leading publisher of textbooks, instructional technology, assessments, and other educational materials for the elementary and secondary school and college markets, as well as an extensive line of reference publications This publisher also has many fiction and nonfiction books for adults and young readers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- College Pages The folks at MIT (Massachusetts Institutue of Technology) have assembled what is definitely the most complete fully linked list of college and University home pages all across the WWW. Over 750 sites and still adding more almost daily. If you need to check out info on a college or Univ. then here is the place to start. A fantasticly useful and well done resource. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephanie DaSilva's List of Lists ftp to: located in --> /pub/usenet/news.answers/mail/mailing-lists Complete set of lists (that's right every mailing list known) along with descriptions for each list. The list of lists is a good way to see if there is a mailing list that coincides with your interests. Also included are directions on how to join each mailing list or listserv. Make sure you look at your mail each day or it can become quickly over-run. Some popular mailing lists generate hundreds of email messages weekly. Make sure you read how to "un-join" or cancel yourself from a mailing list. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distance Education on the Internet WWW page Thomas Copley has made this web page available to the public and it is a complete and well compiled list of resources on distance learning. It has numerous links and info on many aspects, topics and questions related to distance learning. Consider this a prime resource for the subject. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The British Council World Wide Web The British Council promotes educational, cultural and technical cooperation between Britain and other countries. The Council is designed to establish long-term and worldwide partnerships and to improve both international dialog and the understanding of diiferent cultures found world-wide. The site is under development. It will provide comprehensive information about the British Council services worldwide, and will also provide a single point of access to relevant British resources. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multimedia File Formats on the Internet - a Beginner's Guide An extensive multimedia guide for novice Internet users. It explains the file formats for texts, compressed files, games, software, pictures, sound and music, movies, foreign languages, etc. It also explains the ways to identify the different files and how to download and use the files. There are many pointers within the guide that you can use to download the files. This info is mostly for PC users but some of the information is essential even for Mac users and is general enough to be of importance for all users. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaplan Interactive Yes this is a commercial service but it still is a wealth of help and info for anyone in need of passing that big test coming up. SAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, USMLE, DAT, and more are included here. This is a division of Kaplan Educational Centers and basically offers the same services as the Centers except in an online "interactive" learning environment. It's exam time... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Princeton Review Another (and sometimes better) test preparatory service that also offers in depth info on coolege and graduate admissions, registration, career opportunities, standardized tests, SAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, USMLE and DAT with lonks to college web pages and other web pages that offer information and help on a wide range of testing and admissions policies and info. Also has an extensive colection of The Princeton Review's student oriented publications and diverse offerings of mail lists for each standardized test that The Princeton Review supports (and that's a lot of tests!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Educators are qualified to receive Syllabus magazine 9 times per year FREE!* Syllabus -The Definitive Technology Magazine for Colleges, Universities, and High Schools. Nobody covers technology in education like Syllabus. Nine times a year, from September through June, Syllabus bring you a wealth of information, including valuable tips on multimedia, the Internet, distance education, quantitative tools, products, and educational discounts. Learn what different educators, researchers, and institutions are doing with a variety of technologies such as computers, video, telecommunications, and multimedia. In 1995-96 Syllabus will have special feature issues. The topics include software products for the curriculum; multimedia; the Internet; education; telecommunications and video and presentation technologies. Also, don't miss our special supplements such as Windows on Campus and our discipline specific editions such as Computer Science, Engineering, Science and Medicine. Syllabus is a free service to the education community. If you work in an educational institution, you are qualified to have Syllabus delivered free to your home or office, nine times a year. To ensure that you don't miss an issue, please completely fill out the form below. 1995-1996 Editorial Schedule Sept '95 Software Products for the Curriculum Oct '95 Classroom Products and Technology Infrastructure Nov/Dec '95 The Internet, Telecommunications, and Education Jan '96 Video and Presentation Technologies Feb '96 Personal Computer and Workstation Technologies Mar '96 Graphics and Visualization Apr '96 Quantitative Tools May '96 Multimedia Jun '96 Telecommunications and Networking Sep '96 Software Products for the Curriculum Oct '96 Multimedia Nov/Dec '96 The Internet, Telecommunications, and Education Please be sure to completely fill out the information on the form below and email to, or mail or fax to: Syllabus Subscription Services 1307 S. Mary Ave., Suite #211 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 fax: 408-747-2711. * Please note Subscriptions in the U.S. are free to individuals who work in colleges, universities, and high schools. All others are $24 per year. 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